Ryan Walters

Land use law is complicated. Get expert assistance in real property purchasing, project development, and permitting.

In his work for his government clients, Ryan has:

  • designed new integrated building and development entitlement permit processes
  • developed a centralized electronic manual of permitting procedures
  • streamlined and comprehensively updated permit procedures codes with new provisions that meet applicants' needs

Improving Local Government Permitting

For cities and counties, having an efficient and effective permit process is critically important. Ryan has written comprehensive revisions of permit procedures code for both cities and counties to simplify and improve the permit process, advised on improvements to internal processes and department organization, and advised the state Department of Commerce on implementation of the Legislature's changes to RCW 36.70B.

Why should cities and counties focus on their permit systems?

In some cases, the permit process might be the most significant way that a member of the public interfaces with their local government, outside of the judicial system. A poor interaction can degrade a person's confidence in government as a whole. But there's more:

  • Fundamental fairness and due process demands that applicants be given timely responses to their permit applications.
  • Making the permit process easier reduces the cost of development, including the cost of housing.
  • Effective January 1, 2025, cities and counties are obligated under RCW 36.70B.080 (as amended by SB 5290 in 2023) to follow new timelines for permit processes and refund a portion of application fees if they don't achieve those review timelines.
  • Cities and counties have exposure to significant damages claims under RCW 64.40 if they don't timely process an applicant's permit.
  • Cities and counties in the state's largest counties are obligated to annually report their permit processing performance to the public and the state and all cities and counties planning under GMA need to track their permit performance for reporting under RCW 36.70B.160 or RCW 36.70A.130(9)(a).

Ryan can help your jurisdiction improve its permit system and development code. Reach out.

permit procedures ordinance

Example Projects

Ryan understands the reality and challenges of project design and permitting through his experience as both counsel to local government and as an applicant in real property purchase and sale, feasibility, permitting, and development.

Cottage Housing Project

Managed design and permitting, including NEPA Environmental Assessment, of a 15-unit housing development on 2 acres, utilizing a multimodal access road (a "woonerf") with on-site category IV wetlands and impermeable soils.

Early Learning Center

Managed site acquisition, site planning, building design, and permitting up to the beginning of the conditional use permit process for a 4,000-sf early learning center.

Preschool Facility

Managed design, permitting, and reconstruction of a 2,000-sf licensed Head Start facility, including all-new HVAC to mitigate COVID transmission and new playground with artificial turf.

Recognizing Great Placemaking

Ryan documents functional and innovative architecture, signs, and public spaces on his city.worx instagram account.